
Why Choose IPB Tech Solutions LLC's CPM Schedule Analyzer?

Make your projects the best they can be with IPB Tech Solutions LLC. Our CPM Analyzer tool empowers you to excel in project management. Join IPB Tech Solutions, the leading technology firm dedicated to meeting all your project management needs.
Schedule Comparison
Compare two schedules, such as “Baseline” and “Current,” highlighting differences in various data groups, including Dates, Durations, Earned Value, Percent Complete, Cost, and Resource. Reports can encompass all activities or only those that have changed, accompanied by a variance column.
Schedule Analysis
Conduct in-depth statistical analysis on a single schedule, covering Activities, Durations, Float, Dates, Percent Complete, Activity Type, Constraints, Critical Status, Logic Relationships, Cost, and Resources. Reports can provide a statistical summary or include all activities related to the summary item.
Progress Analysis
Analyze the progress made between two schedules (Baseline vs Current) during the update period, considering start and finish date progress. This analysis identifies “On Schedule,” “Ahead of Schedule,” and “Behind Schedule” activities. It also breaks down progress for Budgeted Cost vs Actual Cost, including Labor Cost, Non-Labor Cost, Materials Cost, Estimated Cost, and Total Costs. Reports categorize activities as “On Budget” or “Over Budget,” presenting values, activity counts, and percentages.
Logic Reports
Generate detailed tabular lists of all activities, along with their respective Predecessors or Successors. The report includes columns like Early Start, Early Finish, Original Duration, Remaining Duration, Late Start, Late Finish, and Total Float.
Lookahead Schedules
Create customized tabular views of activities falling within a specified time frame, such as a thirty-day lookahead from the current data date. The report includes Early Start, Early Finish, Original Duration, Remaining Duration, Total Float, and Critical Status.
Critical Activities / Longest Path
The Critical Path report filters out critical activities and provides information on the number of predecessors and/or successors associated with each activity (one predecessor or successor shown). You can choose to report “Critical Path Activities” or “Longest Path Activities,” with data columns for Early Start, Early Finish, Original Duration, Remaining Duration, and Total Float.
CPM Scheduling Software
Utilize our specialized CPM Schedule Analyzer to make the most of the Critical Path Method (CPM), ensuring on-time project execution with advanced software.
Oracle P6 Analyzer
Save time with our automatic scheduling feature, which takes into account worker availability, task dependencies, and project rules, allowing you to focus on strategic decisions.

What Sets IPB Tech Solutions LLC's CPM Tools Apart?

IPB Tech Solutions LLC excels in project management and leverages cutting-edge technology to simplify your project planning process. Our CPM schedule analysis software is a powerful tool designed to help project managers build and manage projects more effectively. Experience the difference with our smart tools and achieve greater success.

Discover How IPB Tech Solutions Works

Deep Check
Our intelligent tool meticulously examines your files, identifying risks and issues with remarkable accuracy. Our schedule analyzer provides key insights for informed decision-making.
Helpful Tips
Our user-friendly reports empower you to make intelligent choices for optimal project outcomes, with a focus on schedule quality analysis.
Constant Monitoring
Our tool allows you to constantly monitor your project, alerting you to any critical changes which allows you to provide recommendations for seamless operations. The CPM Schedule Analyzer allows you to remain vigilant, ensuring project success.
A Range of Tools
We offer a suite of tools, including schedule comparison and schedule analysis software for Oracle P6 users. If you use Microsoft Project, our project analysis and project comparison software are tailored to enhance your project scheduling capabilities.
Easy File Sharing
Share your project plans securely with us, supporting a wide range of file types, including Primavera P6, Microsoft Project, and more.

Why CPM Analyzer 1.0

The construction industry has increasingly recognized the significance of analytic tools like Oracle P6 Schedule Analyzer (formerly known as Claim Digger) due to their ability to facilitate project comparisons from start to completion. These tools play a vital role in enabling managers to conduct comprehensive analyses of projects, which are crucial for various purposes such as claims analysis and settlements, payment requisitions, owner progress reports, and other management requirements. Below is our comparison chart detailing the features of both Oracle P6 Schedule Analyzer and CPM Schedule Analyzer.
  • CPM Schedule Analyzer
  • Oracle P6 Analyzer
CPM Schedule Analyzer vs Oracle P6 Schedule Analyzer​ CPM Schedule AnalyzerOracle P6 Analyzer
CPM Schedule Analyzer vs Oracle P6 Schedule Analyzer​
Compares original vs baseline schedules
Allows data categories to be selected for report
Allows individual data columns to be selected for report
Allows customization of titles and category headings
Option to include all or changed activities only
Allows sorting and formatting of activity data
Option to save as PDF or as Excel (xlsx) files
Includes progress analysis, critical and logic reports
Allows custom print setup an formatting
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